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Who is Journey Youth for?

Junior High and High School students, grades 6-12.

When do we meet?

Wednesdays from 6:00pm-8:00pm at Journey Church.

Why are we Journey Youth?

Students have a very important decision to make. They can either choose the narrow path, God’s way for their life; or the world’s way, the easy road travelled. Teenagers are constantly faced with many distractions and pressures that lead them down a path away from God. We want to help them discover the better way. At Journey Youth, our goal is to help students discover and live out God’s plan for their lives. We pray that through this ministry, our students will choose to journey down the path with a God who is faithful and true.

Matthew 7:13-14

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”

Welcome HOME

Romans 15:7
Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.

Our Vision Statement :
students discovering and living God’s plan for their lives

Why is this important?

Understanding that God has a plan for me helps me to learn to trust in Him and helps to build my faith in Him. Understanding God’s plan for me challenges me and gives me a compelling reason for continued discipleship and growth in my faith. Understanding God’s plan for me encourages me to think outward and become a part of His mission in this world. Understanding God’s plan for me helps me to use my God-given gifts and talents for His Kingdom. When I live out God’s plan for me, God uses me to make a difference in the world around me. 

How do we accomplish this?
through our H.O.M.E. model 

Have Fun
          We want to show these students that a relationship with Christ is fun. Seeing the lost turn to Christ is fun. Experiencing miracles through Jesus is fun. We strive to have fun.
Open Up
          As a ministry we make it clear to students that they are free to open up to one another, to leadership, and to God. Oftentimes it can be difficult for students to find an outlet safe to open up to. We strive to be those confidants.
Message of Christ
          We wouldn’t do anything that we do without prioritizing an opportunity for our teens to hear the message of Christ. We strive to portray that message in all aspects of life and ministry.
          One of the most important parts of growth in a student’s life is their environment. That’s why we exemplify two important parts of Christ at Journey Youth. Worship and Celebration. With these components, we not only represent Christ well; but we strive also for a healthy space, created for students to seek after God.

To order a bracelet, simply click on the photo above.

For information on the heart behind Speed The Light, and the current partnership with World Serve, click here.


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